EURL Wine OpTeam

25 rue Jean Grondel
33200 Bordeaux

Wine OpTeam proposes a transversal set of skills, from vines to bottles. We consolidate a 360° assessment to assist wine estate leaders to improve their company performances.
We adapt the perimeter of our missions to match their needs, and apply a robust 3 steps approach:
o Global, targeted or pre-Diagnostic of the strengths and opportunities of your estate, based on a transversal approach (financial, technical, commercial and organizational assessment)
o Co-construction of operational road map with leadership team, workshops to further define action plans.
o Assistance of leadership team to implement the road map, project management.

Arthur Lassale is a wine and food industry engineer, oenologist, and senior business manager. He has 20 years of experiences at financial and managerial leadership positions, including 4 years assisting wine estate owners/leaders.

Viticulture,  Conseil,  Œnologie,  Conditionnement,  Logistique,  Communication / marketing,  Management / RSE,  R&D / transfert

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