Export Club
Bordeaux wine, and Cognac, are internationally recognized for their legendary appellations and their prestigious brands and châteaux. They should carry in their wake an image of quality, which can be seized by suppliers of the wine industry to sell their know-how. to winemakers around the world.
Despite this potential and the innovation needs expressed by a few producing countries, few companies have decided to invest in an export strategy: often perceived as risky and time-consuming, they occasionally export their products and services, but only when an opportunity presents to themself.
Faced with this observation, the Club Export Inno’vin, created in 2016, aims to bring together member companies of the cluster potentially interested in carrying out collective actions abroad.
A place for meeting and exchanging good practices, The Export Club aims to create synergies, to eventually go together on some markets.
Since January 2019, the Export Club has become an INNO’VIN service offering you a set of services :
- Inquire : international news, thematic meetings
- Network : thematic meetings, WIN (Wine Innovation Network)
- Prospect : construction of collective missions, global innovation offer, preferential rate Vinitech Innovation Tour
- Be accompanied : regulatory and legal support, an Inno’vin person dedicated to export
- Finance : help with fundraising