Research and transfer

Supporting projects makes it possible to establish contacts and create partnerships that can lead to the promotion of research results. The animation of the network makes it possible to organize meetings between researchers and professionals (sometimes from very different sectors), which allows the promotion of new ideas, potentially applicable in the wine and vine sector.
The Technology Transfer unit of ISVV :
Amarante Process
Process Engineering
Wine microbiology
MICROFLORA® supports wine growers in setting up and carrying out studies to promote the establishment of flora of interest or to limit flora of alterations.
Thanks to its Support, Audit and Training activities, MICROFLORA® puts its expertise at the service of producers so that they integrate the microbiological aspect into their thinking during winemaking, aging, up to the preparation of wines for packaging.
Protection and management of the vineyard
VITINNOV’s activities cover many actions in research and development, technical services and training, linked to innovations in sustainable viticulture. In partnership with teams of researchers from Bordeaux Sciences Agro, VITINNOV sets up study systems and develops services in its various fields of competence: integrated protection (test of monitoring or protection method), biodiversity (evaluation of the impact of wine-growing practices, of the landscape), evaluation of production systems and management of plants in their environment (ecophysiology, climate, pedology, etc.). VITINNOV’s expertise allows it to design rigorous protocols, adapted to the particularities of each theme or company.
Polyphénols Biotech
Polyphenol analysis and production services allow R&D teams (from the agro-food, nutrition-health and cosmetics industries which develop products rich in polyphenols) to :
- benefit from high quality natural extracts
- ensure the active content of their products as well as their stability
- outsource scientific studies aimed at optimizing / demonstrating the natural properties of their ingredients
Polyphenols Biotech has been attached to an expert laboratory in the field of Polyphenols for more than 20 years, which gives it access to experimental protocols and high-performance equipment to carry out your research and development projects.