Inno’vin Internationalization Program for Vine and Wine (PIVVI)
Supported by the Region Nouvelle Aquitaine (SIRENA program), INNO’VIN launched at the end of 2018 an international development program (PIVVI) in partnership with VINITECH, Interco Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences. Since January 2021, the program has entered its second phase (PIVVI2).
This program aims to create synergies between companies, research centers and vitivinicultural institutions in Nouvelle-Aquitaine and international actors.
It consists of 5 major actions:
- The WIN network: development and animation of an international network of actors in wine innovation. It aims to facilitate networking, the creation of partnerships and business through both digital (webinars, linkedin) and physical tools (missions see the Vinitech Innovation Tour)
- The Vinitech Innovation Tour, events bringing together a set of actions (conferences, B2B meetings…) aimed at providing innovative solutions to the local problems of actors in the wine sector. Each edition will take place in a different country > More informations
In 2019 and 2020 a VIT was organized in Georgia and a mission in the USA. The target destinations are: Eastern Europe and Russia, North America, South America and South Africa. - Objective Europe: implementation of actions and tools to position oneself on R & D & I projects at European level. The PIVVI1 program had made it possible to launch the European VINCI (University of Bordeaux) project on international competitiveness. Other actions are planned under PIVVI2, and in particular the creation of a European association of wine clusters (with partners such as ADVID, INNOVI or VINIDEA)
- The Export Club, allowing supplier companies in the wine sector that are members of the cluster to come and discuss, obtain information and identify opportunities on foreign markets. Regular meetings with expert interventions, experience sharing, and the pooling of market studies or missions.
logo - The Startups: the PIVVI program also aims, through the actions presented above, to identify international startups. A database will be set up and used to facilitate contact with local vitivinicultural actors and attract these startups to the region.
For more informations, contact us !